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  • A Chance to Believe

    This song is about how when we pray for things, sometimes our prayer is answered, but not as we expected.

    Includes Lead Sheet!



  • A New Dawn

    A song of faith, hope, and love, referring to all three in three verses. Good for children and those experiencing challenges.

    Includes MP3 example song & Lead Sheet!

  • A Winter’s Night

    A Christmas song with foreshadowing of the forthcoming role of Christ.

    Includes Studio Recording & Lead Sheet!

  • Alleluia, He is Risen!

    Rousing song refrain in the spirit of Easter, with six verses and three key changes. Can serve multiple uses including but not limited to processional, celebration, & Easter.

    Includes studio recording MP3 & Lead Sheet!

  • Brand New Start

    Happy song about starting each day afresh with the Lord.

    Includes MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • Bread of Life

    Celebration of the eucharist, good for children, offertory, general worship, six verses.

    Includes MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • Breath of Life

    Adam sings to God of Eve, Woman, and Eve sings to God of Adam, Man. Great for duets at weddings. Wonderful, moving song that describes our origins, and how much we depend on God.

    Includes MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • Bride of Christ

    Great for weddings. 

    Download includes Lead Sheet!

  • Eden

    Here the person contemplates the reality that, given the chance to turn down sin, they would fare no better than our forebears,  Adam and Eve.

    Includes example MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • Feed My Lambs

    Musical version of the encounter between Simon Peter and Jesus, when Jesus commissioned Peter as the leader of the church. 

    Includes MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • Flower in the Desert

    A song about the relationship of the soul with God, and metaphorically describes it via the desert analogy.

    Includes example MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • Footsteps in the Sand

    A song about the difficulties we encounter following in the footsteps of Jesus.

    Includes example MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • He’s a Simple Carpenter

    Tuneful song about how Jesus, even though he came before us, is still with us.

    Includes example MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • Heart in Hand

    Melodic song for offertory, communion, children and congregation. Easy to sing. 

    Includes MP3 recording & Lead Sheet!

  • Jacob Daniel

    This song is in honor of the birth of Jacob Daniel Hoskinson, dedicated to Jean and Larry Hoskinson. Good song for a birth/baptism.

    Includes MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • Mother’s Song

    A song for all mothers; dedicates to Lanelle Ryals Greer, my mother.

    Includes example MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • My Father’s Eyes

    Song about how difficult it can be to understand what lay before us, and sometimes we can be at peace, other times it is more difficult. Dedicated to William S. Greer, Jr. 

    Includes example MP3 recording & Lead Sheet!

  • Mystical Mass Prayer

    The Mystical Mass Prayer of Fr. Luke put to music. Dedicated to Rev. Luke B. Zimmer, SS.CC.

    Includes example MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • On the Water You Came

    The night of despair, and God comes walking on the water to the soul. Beautiful song. From the album “God Loves Me”.

    Includes Studio Recording MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • One More Day

    Asking God for strength to make it one more day.

    Includes example MP3 and Lead Sheet!

  • Part of God’s Universe

    A great song about how we are all a part of God’s universe. Good for children, too!

    Includes MP3 recording & Lead Sheet!

  • Pearl of Great Price

    A song about God is the pearl of great price.

    Includes example MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • People Preaching

    A song about how so many claim to have the truth, but the only truth is in Jesus.

    Includes example MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • Prodigal

    Prodigal is about the soul seeking God.

    Includes example MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • Redemption

    Jesus speaks to his mother from the cross, speaking to Mary of what he has accomplished, and to not weep for him – Mankind is forgiven.

    Includes example MP3 song and Lead Sheet!

  • Sebastian

    Song in honor of Sebastian Temple, songwriter, singer of songs, teller of tales, weaver of mysteries, and my dear friend and compadre. Dedicated to Sebastian Temple.

    Includes example MP3 recording & Lead Sheet!

  • Set Me Free

    A song about the soul longing for release, yet knowing God is there in spite of the pain and suffering. Dedicated to Mary Bergeson, Jr.,

    Includes MP3 example song & Lead Sheet!

  • Simple Treasures

    Simple Treasures contains a recited verse between two sung verses. Good for meditation.

    Includes MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • Stitch on My Back

    Fun song about how we never know what is coming in this life.

    Includes Lead Sheet Only.

  • Teach the World to Sing

    Song about learning to sing yourself before you can teach others.

    Includes Lead Sheet Only.

  • The Infant Jesus Lay

    A great song for Christmas, or any celebration where the emphasis is on the nativity or salvation.

    Includes MP3 recording & Lead Sheet!

  • The Plan

    Song about placing your faith in the right thing.

    Includes Lead Sheet Only.

  • Through the Tears

    A song about seeking the meaning of life, and finding God, and persevering through the tears, to joy.

    Includes example MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • Tommy the Cat

    This is not a religious song, but it is a great children’s song about the best cat in the world. Dedicated to my cat, Tommy, who truly was the greatest cat in the world!

    Includes MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • Two Forks

    Upbeat song about how you have to choose the right path if you want the ending to turn out well.

    Includes example MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • Until Tomorrow

    Soothing song about the role of the potter in the making of  our souls.

    Includes Lead Sheet Only.

  • When I Come to See Your Face

    A song about the expectation of the soul once the soul meets God face to face.

    Includes example MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • Working My Way Back Home

    Upbeat song about how we wander away from God, but can find our way back if we try.

    Includes example only MP3 and Lead Sheet.

  • You Are a Priest Forever

    “You Are a Priest Forever” brings to mind the words concerning Melchizedek, and is dedicated to Rev. Luke B. Zimmer, SS.CC., the best priest I have ever known.

    Includes MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • You Are My Reason

    A beautiful song about how the soul has committed itself to God, and God is now the compelling reason in life.

    Includes example MP3 song & Lead Sheet!

  • You in Disguise

    “You in Disguise” is a song about seeing God in the smallest things and each other, and to see God as he truly is, Love. From the album “God Loves Me”.

    Includes MP3 studio recording & Lead Sheet!

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